BUDDHA is the eternal path of love and peace.from its very inception it has taught mankind to live with peace and harmony .but in the post independence scenario these very basic institutions of buddhism are under threat.thanks to some greedy demagogues often knwn as ambedkerite buddhist or neo buddhist who are exploting this religion to bake there political breads. THIS hypocritical buddhist move ment started by ambedkere which though draws its inspiration frm buddha but in reality is nothing more than a political bluff by some greedy politicians..in my opinoion its a clear cut case of political opputunitism which is based on d pillars of falsehoods , propagandas,myths n of course greed .
lets see how????
propaganda 1
aryans came 2 india.....those were fair coloured..they suppressed d local inhabitants who were dark skinned.....
MY REPLY- 1.oh morons n fools if thats d case then why do we have so many dark skinned brahmins..exp kautilya....n why do we have so many fair skinned dalits exp ram vilas,kashiram etc....[now a very imp point 2 be noted over here is that this change in complexion can never take place on account of inter caste marraiges since it was strictly prohibited....this logically proves that color can never used as a political agenda to divide indians..its highly inconsistent and renders no clear cut formulation]
2.these fellows dont even knw d basic meaning of arya....aryan might be aracial term but d oriental concept arya has nothing 2 do with this..arya means an enlightened man exp gautam buddha...n this term had been used in other non hindu religions also like jainism and buddhism.....if still they have gt some doubt then i will suggest such fools 2 read max muller's work.
3.d invasion of aryans in india itself is fraught with so much of inconsistencies...though i dont have time 2 go in detail..but d book by david frawley might be an eye opener
such fools dont even knw d abc of budhism but they use buddhism as a tool 2 bake there political breads..they exhort there followers 2 embrace buddhism n renegade hinduism.........
MY REPLY- these fools dont even knw the fact that buddhism is nt a political entity..just because it suffice there base motive does that mean that they will use the way they want.........no never ......buddha is way of life ..a man can embrace it while remaining equally inclined 2 his original faith..buddhsim is very tolerant n accomodating faith..d best exp is china where a man can follow buddh. n confuciousism conccomitantly .People followed buddhism in there personal affairs where as d administrative outlook was inspired by confuciousism .....in d same if some wanna join buddh. there is no need 4 him 2 stop worshiping hindu deities[ untill unless there is some political motive in volved]..this ambedkerite buddhism is nothin but a sham buddhism......n should be stopped at any cost.....
2 garner some more support these insane even claim that south indians or in other words d dravids were originally indians who were suppressed n sent down 2 south by ayrans....... n there assumption is based on d same old rotten ground of complexion...south indians are aboriginal since they have got dark color n north indians r out siders since they have fair color.
MY REPLY- oh my fool pals ...dont u knw that south indians whom u call aborigianls r nothin but pure hindus only n d rituals they follow r very much in line with d practices of north indian hindu only,,,as much d difference in there skin is concern then that has nothin 2 do with race but with climatic conditions...to make this point more clear i will like 2 give the exp of europe-in northen european contries exp sweden which is far off frm equater ppl have got blond hair where as in southern european nations exp italy which is comparatively closer to equater ppl have gt black hair.so does that mean they r of different race ..no...then how could they use such petty tricks in dividing indians. so again this agenda of dividing hindus on complexion holds no ground.
I think its high time that we must understand the secret agendas of these neo buddhist .these traitors are doing this to divide the hindu society and carve out a political niche for themselves that will consist of innocent dalits .It has become imperative for us to scuttle this newly emer ging political virus which has become dangerous to a journey which we call BHARATA n is dear to us more than our lives.
lets see how????
propaganda 1
aryans came 2 india.....those were fair coloured..they suppressed d local inhabitants who were dark skinned.....
MY REPLY- 1.oh morons n fools if thats d case then why do we have so many dark skinned brahmins..exp kautilya....n why do we have so many fair skinned dalits exp ram vilas,kashiram etc....[now a very imp point 2 be noted over here is that this change in complexion can never take place on account of inter caste marraiges since it was strictly prohibited....this logically proves that color can never used as a political agenda to divide indians..its highly inconsistent and renders no clear cut formulation]
2.these fellows dont even knw d basic meaning of arya....aryan might be aracial term but d oriental concept arya has nothing 2 do with this..arya means an enlightened man exp gautam buddha...n this term had been used in other non hindu religions also like jainism and buddhism.....if still they have gt some doubt then i will suggest such fools 2 read max muller's work.
3.d invasion of aryans in india itself is fraught with so much of inconsistencies...though i dont have time 2 go in detail..but d book by david frawley might be an eye opener
such fools dont even knw d abc of budhism but they use buddhism as a tool 2 bake there political breads..they exhort there followers 2 embrace buddhism n renegade hinduism.........
MY REPLY- these fools dont even knw the fact that buddhism is nt a political entity..just because it suffice there base motive does that mean that they will use the way they want.........no never ......buddha is way of life ..a man can embrace it while remaining equally inclined 2 his original faith..buddhsim is very tolerant n accomodating faith..d best exp is china where a man can follow buddh. n confuciousism conccomitantly .People followed buddhism in there personal affairs where as d administrative outlook was inspired by confuciousism .....in d same if some wanna join buddh. there is no need 4 him 2 stop worshiping hindu deities[ untill unless there is some political motive in volved]..this ambedkerite buddhism is nothin but a sham buddhism......n should be stopped at any cost.....
2 garner some more support these insane even claim that south indians or in other words d dravids were originally indians who were suppressed n sent down 2 south by ayrans....... n there assumption is based on d same old rotten ground of complexion...south indians are aboriginal since they have got dark color n north indians r out siders since they have fair color.
MY REPLY- oh my fool pals ...dont u knw that south indians whom u call aborigianls r nothin but pure hindus only n d rituals they follow r very much in line with d practices of north indian hindu only,,,as much d difference in there skin is concern then that has nothin 2 do with race but with climatic conditions...to make this point more clear i will like 2 give the exp of europe-in northen european contries exp sweden which is far off frm equater ppl have got blond hair where as in southern european nations exp italy which is comparatively closer to equater ppl have gt black hair.so does that mean they r of different race ..no...then how could they use such petty tricks in dividing indians. so again this agenda of dividing hindus on complexion holds no ground.
I think its high time that we must understand the secret agendas of these neo buddhist .these traitors are doing this to divide the hindu society and carve out a political niche for themselves that will consist of innocent dalits .It has become imperative for us to scuttle this newly emer ging political virus which has become dangerous to a journey which we call BHARATA n is dear to us more than our lives.
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