Friday, November 6, 2009

Anxiety :My perspective

In this fast moving world we all have suffered from anxiety at some point of time,but in some individual the attacks of anxiety become so frequent that life becomes a hell,for such individuals i have an easy solution.

Before going into detail first lets see what is this stuff anxiety all about ,as per the wiki defination anxiety a psychological and physiological state characterized by cognitive, somatic, emotional, and behavioral components. These components combine to create an unpleasant feeling that is typically associated with uneasiness, fear, or worry.
Anxiety can occur to any one and it can occur due to any thing ,the reason might be some thing as serious as the result of an exam that is to be published with in a few hours to some thing stupid as a being ridiculed by your friends.anxiety is a game of cause and effect ,beghind every attack of anxiety there is a basic factor that is responsible ,like as i said the it might be your upcoming exam result or it might be the ongoing cricket match,but it is not the cause that has much significance in anxiety ,what can really disturb you is the effect that follows the cause,once the cause has occured its effects set in where an individual starts visualizing a lot of future consequences related to the main cause and as result of this starts suffering from great deal of uneasyness.for exp a cricket match might be the cause of anxiety but it is not anxiety inself,anxiety comes into picture when the mere thought of the final result of the match where his side might loose makes some one filled with fear or worry,thus there is always a reason behind anxiety that reason it self is never responsible for the uneasyness which anxiety can cause,it is often our thought process that gets stimulated in a very rapid,arbitary and fervent fashion that is responsible for the uneasyness.

One another important of anxiety is that it has magnetic as well as evolutionary power to some extent ,by magnetic i mean one anxious thought attracts other thought there by setting a chain ,by evolutinary to an extent i mean that the intensity of thought keeps on increasing over a period of time,initially the thought might not be very intense but once our psychie gets into the act of recieving anxious thoughts the intensity of anxiety keeps on increasing there by increasing our uneasyness and after some substantial amount of time when the level of anxiety would have reached its peak it strats reducing there by giving relief to the individual.

Anxiety may not always be negative only,in many cases it might force you to take some positive action ,and at the same time it should be noted that it is present in all the individuals to some extent,only when the intensity rises beyond a particular extent,when the frequency of attacks goes beyond a particular extent anxiety strats disturbing individuals and then some sort of preventory measures become imperative.I will describe a simple preventory measure in the next blog.

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