Monday, June 7, 2010

Knowledge is just illusion

What is knowledge is it a reality or just an illusion, an illusion created by human mind. The author knows it well that he is trying his hand on a very difficult and politically incorrect area, but sometimes the mind wants to tread in this often unknown territory.
Always so much of emphasis is given to knowledge, knowledgeable persons are respected in all the quarters of life, every where one can find this obnoxious item, in the form of books,blogs websites,news papers, articles,ppts etc. In each and every nook one can find knowledge, The disease of this knowledge has become so contagious that it has started coming out of its regular adobe to various new places such as chat forums, parties,cafes everywhere.
But one thing I don't understand what is the basis of knowledge, or rather what is it exactly. As much I can understand it is just one's own projection,one's own understanding but why does it happen that an individual's understanding becomes a universal truth. If Freud writes on psychoanalysis it would have been his vision his understanding. How come that becomes a universal idea, why should a psychology student or for that any other student should go through the trauma of reading 500 stupid pages of psychoanalysis. It was Sigmund Freud’s idea and he has the right to perceive whatever he wants, but the problem arises when his personal idea becomes a universal truth & over a period of time this newly formed knowledge is read by more and more people thereby this idea which was once nothing but just an individual opinion starts getting deep and deep into individual psyche, bolstering itself more strongly as an universal conception.
That's the whole game of knowledge. Knowledge often disguised in some complex terminology and higher idea is nothing but an illusion, a chimera an individual's personal opinion which by chance becomes an enlightening thought.
I have started pitying people who gives so much of emphasis to this word knowledge. There is no dearth of such people who often live their whole life on this borrowed entity, in every corner of this world one can find such people discussing and debating, arguing and counter-arguing. Circling around some complex philosophy, vomiting out some bookish knowledge often lased with complex terms & these complex terms are often the life line of knowledge because it is these terms that can make a simple idea pure knowledge because knowledge can't be simple ,it should have state of the art terminologies which are often tough in remembering, and it has to be difficult in remembering because if it will have simple words then it will be remembered by any one, it will no more be an elite indulgence, an idea with simple words will be a disagreement with the general concept of knowledge according to which knowledge must have a streak of complexity.
In the end I will  say that knowledge is just illusion.

(Views expressed over here are strictly personal and the author very well knows relegating knowledge as illusion might be too impractical but under the influence of some brusque random thoughts the author has written the blog.)


Anurag Chatterjee said...

"One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing."

on that note...knowledge an illusion go hands in hands. The more the knowledge the more the site of ignorance unfolds in front of us.So as per experts knowledge & illusion is not as quite an oxymoron.

Anyways a nice article to start my day with.

Paul Swendson said...

I agree that the stuff that sometimes passes for knowledge can be an illusion. Sometimes, people memorize concepts from a particular field without questioning their validity, and we often think that we know a lot more than we probably do.

It would be going too far, however, to classify all knowledge as "BS" or simply someone's opinion. Information that passes the test of scrutiny deserves a certain amount of respect. And saying that all opinions are equally valid is ridiculous. If you believed that all opinions were equally valid you probably would not bother writing. The statement that there are no absolutes is itself an absolute.

Management Guru said...

@Paul Swendson:-

well paul i know it very well that all knowledge cannot be was just a random thought...neways thanks 4 commenting....