like any other fundamentalist muslim his love for islam and its practices are so exorbitant that he even some times (in fact many times)doesn’t hesitate to cross the highest peak of cretinism to defend any stupid interpretation of fundamental islam(more on this on some other blog),one other mania with which he suffers is to always compare islam with any other religion,one can always find him comparing kuranic verses with the verses of other religiuos books (which are often taken out of context)and then using his own interpretations of these verses to prove his ulterior motive that is the supremacy of islam.
He claims that islam is religion of peace,muslims are the only true people in the world,islam is completlely flawless and in what ever small issues in which muslims are involved are not out of their fault but due to the fault of the non muslims who are jealous of islam.What i really want to say to mr nayak is that he claims so many big thing on islam and muslim but cannot he make him self to see what all happening in the world around him,does he think that the fundamentalism in islam which we see all around is just an aftermath of the injustice done to muslims by the world around it,does the 700000 deaths that took place in iraq in the name of secterian violence is not enough to proove that in the present scenario the muslim psyche has got completely bloodstained,well violence in israiel might be an excuse but what logic does he find in pan islamic violence that is present everywhere whether in the southern phillipines ,kashmir,russia,central asia or north africa.What extra proof does he need that in the present scenario where at one stage the whole world is moving towards the ideals of liberty,democracy and secularism the islamic psyche still lives in middle ages where violence is not considered as something profane but a part of power sharing mechanism.If this guy is really serious for the image of isalm then how could he afford to waste his time in stupid and foolish lectures on proving the supremacy of islam,rather the very 1st thing that he must do is to to galvanize the collective psyche of the islamic youth which have got rusted by the forces of fundamentalism and conseravatism.He must take a positive action if he is serious for islam or otherwise he can carry on with his mania,the status quo willl be mantained so will muslims enjoy the victory of this self proclaimed warrior of islam who loves indulging war with other religion on such turfs where he alone is the winner ,judge and spectator of the war,other than he and his small bunch of foolish companion no one really cares for such war.
well said paritosh..such type of fellows are nothing but mere fanatics whose ultimate purpose is just to follow there there own whims...but i do contradict that every muslim love to here him,in fact in many islamic quarter i have seen muslims disapproving his views..he is nothing but a self proclaimed preacher of islam who doesnt hold any institutional crediblity
definately there are muslims who have understood that he is nothing but a foolish fanatic but at the same time he still holds a strong influence on the collective muslim can be calculated from the mere fact that in orkut itself there is a community for zakir nayak which has more than 70000 members
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